Their friendship reaches a crossroads in a suspenseful scene in which they share a bed and Billy tremblingly makes his move.
(This would be a wonderful, suspenseful scene, and I couldn't wait to write it.)
Critics noted the movie was predictable, with some even calling the suspenseful scenes, "unintentionally funny.
They are usually, but not always, found in what are supposed to be emotional or suspenseful scenes.
But its most suspenseful scene takes place the following morning in a diner.
Some suspenseful scenes may upset some viewers.
George takes the gig, and we witness numerous suspenseful scenes of him boiling the nitro.
"Julian's House" glows with a ghostly light; its suspenseful scenes can make even the heart of a confirmed skeptic beat a little faster.
The result was one of the most suspenseful scenes in the film, but was not in the original script.
It contains some mildly suspenseful scenes.