"None of these strategies seem like sure-fire winners?"
Despite its early banking success, Banco Comercial is not a sure-fire winner in the stock market.
Although appetizers are not needed, there are some sure-fire winners.
"I said at the start that we were a player or two short of being a real sure-fire winner," he said.
I negotiated the best deals, was given first choice of all the initial public offerings, the sure-fire winners.
Thanks to this new plan, I've started work on a few sure-fire winners:
Unlike Gitic, some of its assets would seem to be sure-fire winners.
For dessert the strawberry shortcake made with an old-fashioned biscuit is a sure-fire winner.
Buffalo is "a sure-fire winner," the Governor said as he mingled with residents in line at the stadium's ticket window.
But there are no sure-fire winners this year.