A second suggestion of Granville's, a sanatorium, was completed in 1855 and greatly raised Bournemouth's profile as a place for recuperation.
The suggestions are raised but are not explored, although the book is dedicated to the children of Colombia and its stated purpose is "to awaken others to care."
The reactions of the European Union have been harsh and suggestions of a similar fee have been raised on grounds of reciprocity.
Some suggestions as to possible preventive design and construction techniques that might have made the dam safer were raised as engineering consensus reached a state of textbook knowledge in the late 1980s.
The suggestion that Professor Hillmay have fantasized Judge Thomas's advances had been raised repeatedly by Republican senators Saturday.
Katz said Hunnisett was introducing a "wholly unlikely story" at his retrial; no suggestion of sexual abuse had been raised at the first trial.
The suggestion was raised Sunday by Representative William H. Gray 3d, a Pennsylvania Democrat who is the chairman of the House Budget Committee.
Selig seethes when the suggestion is raised, but many people in baseball believe that in pushing realignment, he intended all along for the Brewers to change leagues.
The suggestion had probably been raised and adroitly sidestepped by the priests, who kept their secrets-and their prisoners-far too well.
This suggestion was raised before archaeological evidence for the use of the hearths was documented at Philistine sites.