She heard the sudden roll of bedsprings and the creak of floorboards.
But it did not say that an ice buildup could make an aileron pop up, leading to a sudden roll.
Chekov's retort was cut off by a sudden roll of thunder.
A sudden sharp roll threw Willie off balance and he fell against Queeg.
Zoraban lifted his arms, and the mist began to flee him, almost scurrying in its sudden roll away from the swell at his feet.
He was tossing rabbit bones into the fire, feeling a little better for having eaten, when there came a sudden roll of hoofbeats.
The impact hurled him into a sudden back roll down the hill.
A sudden roll and surge of the drums gave weight to her words, a thunderous crash that faded suddenly to silence.
There was a sudden roll of thunder outside.
When a sudden roll of the ship caused a wild throw that nearly sliced a cable in two, Bri put a halt to that.