They are focused on individual managerial competencies such as vision, execution, and perseverance.
However, a mere counterparty surely should not be a customer to whom a firm owes customer obligations such as best execution or disclosure of material interests.
Techniques such as branch prediction and speculative execution are used to reduce these branch penalties.
Najafi's songs mostly deal with issues such as theocracy, poverty, sexism, censorship, child labor, execution, drug addiction and homophobia.
In peace, however, his ardent spirit led him into excesses of all kinds, such as mock execution of a priest suspected of supporting Polish uprisings in 1772.
This is achieved through architectural techniques such as instruction pipelining and out-of-order execution which attempts to exploit instruction level parallelism in the code.
Alternately, typically 'female' sports value elements such as grace and proper execution, for example gymnastics and figure skating.
As a consequence, nominal Christian male bigamists were subjected to unprecedented harsh punishments, such as execution, galley servitude, exile, and prolonged imprisonment.
Many new features were added to the language, such as looping and dynamic execution, and performance was improved dramatically.
But I think that the verbal radicalism of terms such as 'death sentence' and 'execution' do not become this House.