
"execution" auf Polnisch — Englisch-Polnisch Wörterbuch | Werfen Sie einen Blick auf "execution" auf Englisch

execution **

  1. egzekucja, stracenie (wykonanie wyroku śmierci) [COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE]
    The execution of the prisoner took place early in the morning. (Egzekucja więźnia odbyła się wcześnie rano.)
    Many people came to see the execution. (Wiele osób przyszło, by zobaczyć egzekucję.)
  2. wykonanie, realizacja, przeprowadzenie (np. planu) formal [UNCOUNTABLE]
    putting a plan into action
    Execution of our plan will be easy. (Realizacja naszego planu będzie prosta.)
  3. spełnienie (np. woli, testamentu) [UNCOUNTABLE]
    The execution of his will won't be so easy. (Spełnienie jego testamentu nie będzie takie proste.)
  4. wykonywanie, działanie formal [UNCOUNTABLE]
  5. wykonanie (np. programu, procesu) [COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE]
  1. egzekucyjny (np. nakaz)

Weitere Redewendungen — "execution"

executional = egzekucyjny +1 Bedeutung
Siehe auch: advertising executionfinal executioninvestment executionexecution techniqueimmediate executionpartial executionprecise executionexecution procedurespecial executionstandard executionspeculative executionineffective executionjudicial executionexecution clauseexecution costsexecution proceedinggeneral executionprocedure executioncareful executioncompulsory executionslapdash executionspot executionmock executionexecution chamber, death chamberexecution pitconditional executionblock executionmoment of executionwrit of executionforced execution procedureexecution by firing squadexecution of contractexecution of planexecution of an order, order executionexecution of tasksexecution by elephantexecution of maintenance dues, execution of maintenanceexecution against the debtorexecution concerning joint propertyexecution concerning perpetual usufruct, execution from the perpetual usufructexecution from bank accountsexecution from the debt and property rightsexecution from the fractional motionless thingexecution from the remuneration for the workexecution in the destination of carrying the co-ownershipexecution of a deedexecution of administrative decisionexecution of alimonyexecution of an actexecution of an administrative actexecution of hostagesexecution of judgementexecution of the innocentexecution on movablesexecution through the compulsory administrationexecution without trialexecution of lawexecution against bank depositionsexecution concerning property rightsexecution concerning the partner's movablesexecution of a court judgment, execution of a court judgementexecution of a deed of company formationexecution of alimony duesexecution of enforcement of paymentsexecution of non-cash performancesexecution of punishment has elapsed, execution of punishment has prescribedexecution of a policyexecution by hangingexecution by shootingcontracting for construction works, execution of construction worksexecution concering property rights, execution from property rights