After their subsequent spread, they began assimilating non-Slavic peoples.
They just peter out, unless you have additional factors that promote subsequent spread in the new human host.
It is difficult to determine its native range due to the long tradition of use as a food and "tonic" and subsequent spread by migrating people.
The completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869 and the subsequent spread of a network of rails throughout the territory ended the area's geographic isolation.
The subsequent spread of light skin was thought to be caused by assortive mating and sexual selection contributed to an even lighter pigmentation in females.
Rather its subsequent spread further west occurred later, in the post-glacial period from a postulated South Caucasian refugium.
The subsequent spread of Islam often transformed or provided an overlay to the pagan beliefs.
Traces the development of print technology and the subsequent spread of written literacy.
Ultimately, the official said, the potential for such microbial assaults and subsequent spread of spores should decline.
The delay-and the subsequent spread of lasers into many areas of technology-meant that the patents were much more valuable than if Gould had won initially.