Uprooting my kids, shoving us in to sub-standard housing with no help... christ, it would be appalling.
The area contains much sub-standard terraced housing which is in need of repair.
During the 1950s and 1960s the area was plagued by rodents, disease and sub-standard housing.
But a mile or two away in Walsall town centre, hundreds of families were living in squalid and sub-standard housing.
Still, sub-standard housing in the units within the older buildings remains a concern of local city councillors and local community members.
It was then that Hackney's problem of sub-standard housing was begun.
However, local authorities and the Ministry of Defence have empty sub-standard housing on their books.
Steps will be taken to improve sub-standard housing.
Cold wet spells, especially in August and September, can make life very difficult for those living in sub-standard housing.
This phenomenon of sub-standard modern housing occurs all across the rural Third World today.