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State officials were concerned that the long work hours could lead to substandard care.
Why, he asked, would people want to go into a substandard opera house?
It requires women with children who are more than 12 weeks old to place them in often substandard child care.
She gave him such a look as a mother might give a child caught in a substandard lie.
To pass off substandard goods if they can get away with it.
"We need one terrific school system, not two substandard ones."
He was rejected by the American air service because of substandard vision.
You must be willing to work long and hard at substandard wages.
"So we're basically talking about one in three city schools offering a substandard education," she said.
Eighty of the 100 people would live in substandard housing.
Substandard educators and management officials are a major risk to current education on the island.
"They went on charging too much for what was quite a substandard product," she said.
He did have to pay the price of best oil for the substandard stuff which was all the cook would sell him.
Eighty percent of the world's population lives in substandard housing.
The Met was often considered a substandard venue for football.
That year's renewal had a slightly substandard look to it.
"There's certainly substandard work available, but there is in bookstores too."
The report implies that all the problems could be the result of substandard research practices.
I often associate this kind of personal attention with substandard cuisine.
There are several locations where the road is of substandard width.
Without Section 8, many residents would be forced to live in substandard housing.
It was just a matter of time, firefighters said, because there were too few men to do the job and substandard equipment to work with.
They are not investments with a substandard rate of return."
"I don't think substandard medical care should be offered through the federal government," she said.
Many of the people were living in substandard housing before the storm and they are worse off now.