It sounds like a story pitch some writer might have made to a studio boss in Hollywood last night.
Of course, once the prize was won, the same studio bosses who had resisted the project claimed the success as their own.
Cooper complained to his studio bosses and got it stopped.
The studio bosses liked him to keep an eye on what I was doing, and report back.
Most studio bosses' eyes tend to glaze over at the mention of a film about art.
Essentially, the studio bosses spend a large part of their time thinking about how to manage risk.
The studio bosses cut the film drastically before the release date.
On a personal level, his former wife the studio boss wants him back.
The directors and the studio bosses left him alone because no one could figure out what he was doing.
"It certainly looks like it's going to be a good final quarter, maybe even a great one," said one producer and former studio boss.