There was nothing accidental about the deeply textured and strong, musky scene.
That's a strong scene, and she resisted it, but I would not do the film without it.
The book's strongest scene comes with Iris's stunned discovery.
There were, it seemed to him, nine strong cinematic scenes in the novel, and the connecting matter could be condensed without a problem.
Usually, even if you're playing a complex woman, they try to minimize your strongest scenes, which tends to make women more conventional.
Its strongest scenes are often the flashbacks to the 1960's, when the innocent girls were learning about color from their parents and society.
The extended version, released in 1993, was rated R for strong scenes of violence.
Precisely, this strong scene made the film rated R and, consequentially, couldn't aim to a mass audience.
From September 1989, there were strong scenes of protests in the region against the central government's ethnic policies.
And as a mobile project, collecting concerts and concepts around the strong scene based in Europe.