Of course, buildings had details, but at any particular time these did not vary a great deal since they followed strict conventions.
Stencils, like prints, afford multiple instances and establish strict conventions in wide use, acquire a certain authority for it.
-Ironic-Wordsworth employs a strictly structured form which conforms to a set of strict conventions.
Captain Moggs prepared to give her report according to the strictest military convention.
But then, she dislikes the strict conventions of our traditional art.
Like most such instruments, it was precision tooled according to strict conventions to ensure efficacy.
Few women had the courage to go against the strict conventions of their community.
Onufri introduced greater realism and individuality into facial expressions, breaking with the strict conventions of the time.
Though influence of Sangam literature is often seen in Thevaram, the strict conventions were not followed.
Such theories have helped to free dancers from the strict conventions of classical technique and to develop what can be called body language.