The long brown toes stretched apart a little.
The focus narrows at the end, with two women stretching apart at the center of the group and of the stage.
It was no easy feat from the start; the demands and logistics of their jobs meant long stretches apart.
The Glastonbury Police said the detector connected to a pair of long hoses that officers stretched across the road a specific distance apart.
On that particularly inhospitable patch of ground, a naked woman is lying, with her legs stretched wide apart.
But as their time apart stretched to five years, Ms. Levine's expectation faded.
Much smaller splashes seconds apart stretch the total duration to about 1 minute.
The tight group began to stretch apart.
Stretching apart as might a strand of elastic clay, what had been split finally into two.
The sky was streaked with high, thin clouds that looked like a cotton ball stretched apart.