At the same time, we must create a streamlined procedure so that judges and lawyers can reasonably defend people who are arrested in the process.
A Houston grand jury was empaneled, with streamlined procedures.
It would make it easier for utilities to license nuclear power plants with streamlined procedures.
It was a simple and streamlined procedure, and the line moved quickly until it came to Yvette's turn.
It would operate according to streamlined procedures for contracting, purchasing and hiring.
It also streamlined procedures for approving license assignments and transfers of control.
Applying for this status is a fairly streamlined procedure.
I think everybody agrees there has to be streamlined procedures for removing teachers who become incompetent, paranoid or dangerous, but have tenure.
In all counties, the length of jury service has been reduced because of streamlined administrative procedures.
Computerization and streamlined procedures have resulted in 75 to 100 cases per shift becoming the norm.