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Streamlined procedures with clear rules and responsibilities for all are essential to serve the true interests of citizens.
It would operate according to streamlined procedures for contracting, purchasing and hiring.
It also streamlined procedures for approving license assignments and transfers of control.
Computerization and streamlined procedures have resulted in 75 to 100 cases per shift becoming the norm.
A Houston grand jury was empaneled, with streamlined procedures.
It would make it easier for utilities to license nuclear power plants with streamlined procedures.
They streamlined procedures for gathering and disseminating intelligence.
Streamlined procedures and more staff here will reduce the processing time to a day, Mr. Nelson said.
She fought environmental hard-liners on Superfund, arguing for streamlined procedures to clean up toxic wastes.
I think everybody agrees there has to be streamlined procedures for removing teachers who become incompetent, paranoid or dangerous, but have tenure.
He asked for streamlined procedures to sift out frivolous applications and allow individual board members greater discretion to reduce the number of full hearings.
Due to these streamlined procedures, projects are in general approved within three to six months (Deloitte & Touche 1998: 22).
Streamlined procedures for Member States wishing to aid employment schemes are to be welcomed and sensitivity to local circumstances is also desirable.
Thirdly, I feel that we are going to have to demonstrate greater efficiency and more streamlined procedures where the entrance to the visitors' gallery is concerned.
Given the many complaints about the complexity of former regulations governing township recycling and pickup days, we know that streamlined procedures will be much appreciated: 1.
Also, if weather permits, pilots are often allowed to use more streamlined procedures to approach a runway that depend upon their seeing the airport and other airplanes.
He streamlined procedures, shortened delays, upheld the soundness of the Highway Trust Fund, and returned management authority to the states.
Mr. Duesterberg says that without streamlined procedures tighter security measures could add as much as another 3 percent, or about $17 billion, to the costs of delays.
He was caught on the A2 motorway in the north on Tuesday and tried the same evening under France's new streamlined procedures for tackling traffic offences.
But if the House is able to act immediately, the Senate is prepared to follow suit under special streamlined procedures that would not require most senators to return.
He made significant administrative changes, called for the merit selection of judges, implemented streamlined procedures, reduced opportunities for "judge shopping," and reformed the state's grand jury system.
Under streamlined procedures, the new arrivals have been allowed to remain in the U.S. as legal immigrants and political refugees, receiving help from relatives and volunteer agencies.
"If the city wants to use that as a deterrent, then it ought to put in place streamlined procedures that assist people who have legitimate claims easily and quickly.
For SNAP projects lead by Affordable Care Act/Medicaid timelines, temporary streamlined procedures may apply.
The 2004 law also streamlined procedures and reduced the paperwork involved in providing children special education services, and relaxed burdens on schools when children with disabilities had behavioral problems.