How many strange chances can come together, all against what is likely, or even possible?
Yet by some strange chance he has been chosen for a destiny not at all ordinary.
By a strange chance you have this night looked upon the face of the woman whom I loved in those far- off days.
What strange chance enables us to meet again in this frightful country?
Doubtless all might have gone well with us but for a strange chance.
This was strange chance: A narrow lane, an old man, and two boys.
Indeed in a second darkness it will end, unless some strange chance deliver us that my eyes cannot see.
The colonel, by a strange chance, was one of the first struck by a bullet.
To have found her by such a strange chance when he and his man had walked about London trying to seek her out, but failing.
Tell this, on Earth, if by some strange chance you should escape and I don't.