In Malta, where voters tend to stick tightly to party preferences, parties frequently stand more candidates than there are seats to be elected.
They stuck tightly to her skin.
Finished plaster is hard and nonabsorbent, and paint and sizing prevent wallpaper adhesives from sticking tightly.
Yet the material is still sticking tightly to the wall.
A. The separation of the seams, even though the wall covering is sticking tightly, indicates that the material has been shrinking.
It stuck tightly and the motor began to race.
Such revelry the gods may still allow for foodstuffs sticking tightly to the rib.
The club was extremely successful because of the friendships made and how tightly the group stuck together.
Make sure the fabric hugs the arm but does not stick to it tightly, which makes the arm look bigger.
He picked it up and promptly put it on Benny's head, where it stuck tightly on his yellow curls.