His steadfast opposition to the system of slavery was a constant offense to the slave-owners, who determined to get him away from Virginia.
So much for the "lethal" consequences of principled and steadfast opposition to the party in power.
Even so, President Clinton's steadfast opposition is essential to defeating this dangerously misguided amendment.
These complaints were coupled with steadfast opposition to linking wages with gains in productivity.
Just about the only thing President Reagan got right is his steadfast opposition to protectionism.
I would urge this Parliament to issue a declaration in the clearest possible terms to show our steadfast opposition to torture.
The European institutions should, within the various international bodies, maintain their steadfast opposition to unilateral retaliatory trade measures.
Havel's dedication to democracy and his steadfast opposition to the Communist ideology earned him admiration.
Britain was not invited because of its steadfast opposition to any attempts to regulate oil production.
His steadfast opposition to price controls and his eventual use of them coincided with a similar shift in position by the Bush administration.