Whilst neither of these statements related to Majczek, O'Brien failed to object to their admission.
The letter directed Legates to stop using his title as state climatologist of Delaware in his public statements related to climate change.
His statements and publications related to those issue, especially with respect to language issues, are seen as controversial, particularly in Poland.
There was no official statement related to the dropping of the term.
The political statement and strategic framework related to the new dimension should be permanent in character, replacing the current model of three-year action plans while necessarily remaining subject to regular review.
This was the official statement related to the election of Mr Barroso as President of the European Commission.
The LDS Church has made no official statement related to the allegations related in the Pace memorandum.
The first of these was the publication of a number of affidavits and other statements related to the character of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Martin Harris.
(90) In his civil case, the President made five different false statements related to the sexual relationship.