As a result, institutional investors are likely to find themselves with more opportunities to squeeze concessions from both sides and exert more influence over corporate strategies.
The two are now leveraging their alliance to try to squeeze concessions from an election commission organized by Ayatollah Sistani.
I suspect, however, if it turns out he doesn't have to resist Merseia, he will then use his assembled power to try squeezing concessions from Terra.
There's no point trying to squeeze concessions out of a junior member of staff who doesn't have the authority to grant them.
They survive through barter, delaying tax payments, paying their workers with food instead of money or squeezing tax breaks and other concessions from regional authorities.
So far, India's brinkmanship seems to be energizing American diplomacy and squeezing concessions from the Pakistanis.
It is conceivable that this was another example of traditional Soviet negotiating tactics, trying to squeeze extra concessions at the last minute.
Top Administration officials believe Kiev is trying to squeeze new concessions from Washington.
Europe has squeezed concessions out of Japan with a tough trade stance - the kind of concessions Tokyo denies Washington.
The world's biggest aircraft-leasing firm will now try to squeeze concessions from its hapless bondholders.