Shrugging, Silence followed him, levering herself through the hatch onto the springy surface of the ramp.
His dad had him under the arms and was tugging him, sliding him, inch by inch, over the springy, snow-covered surface.
They felt themselves being lifted again and then heaved headlong on to a springy surface.
He reached the bed, scrambled onto it, stood up, started straight across the mattress like a man walking a bridge of barrels, swaying on the springy surface.
Tyrus smiled inwardly at the thought of what such a springy surface would do to help Erejzan's acrobatics.
More giggles ensued as Aria bounced on the springy surface.
The latex surface lies atop seven layers, (many schools have just five or six) creating a soft, not springy, running surface.
The soft, springy surface prevented her from scraping herself or making much sound, but she landed on her belly and knocked the wind from her lungs.
The PVSJ had been very lucky to have such a springy surface to land on.
"So did I." She touched Victoria's hair, brushing her fingertips across the soft, springy surface.