Earlier projects provided these freedoms either for practical reasons or social reasons but were not part of an organised movement to spread the practice or the philosophy.
Except for their invention is mainly motivated by profit, not spreading the practice of reading - that is a side-effect.
The formation of schools and societies promoting regular singing helped to spread the practice, and instruction books were published.
But in the last few years, industry experts say, chain stores and department stores have spread the practice to packaged food, cosmetics, toys and other products.
Pockets of excellence and even of pioneering innovation remain, but the system has done little to spread either the word or the practice.
In 1995, Li declared that he had finished teaching Falun Gong in China, and began spreading the practice abroad.
Swiss and German mercenaries were hired by monarchs throughout Western Europe, and they spread the practice of military fifing.
They spread the practice to Texas.
Word of mouth seems to have spread the illegal practice, the authorities said.
Modern Hindu reform movements spread the practice of the mantra to include women and all castes and its use is now very widespread.