The suburban groups offered to help spread the word, especially since many people mistakenly thought that the plant had been defeated.
News of the business has spread since its opening on April 15.
Indeed, it may turn out that wrongdoing has only spread wider since earlier inquiries.
The epidemic has spread relentlessly in all the parts of the country since the first reported case in 1986.
American plans to bomb Iraq have brought to the surface doubts that have been spreading here since the end of the cold war.
He'd heard the rumors, of course; they'd been spreading since yesterday.
The fires spread quickly since most buildings in Moscow were made of wood.
Ms. Wilson has been spreading her ideas since the late 1980's.
We asked them because mistrust and criticism have been spreading since the refusal of the 1996 discharge.
The viruses have been spreading in the United States since the mid-1980's.