I wonder what would happen if anybody should spread newspapers on one of these wonderful tables and use them for a tablecloth?
Inside the apartment, he spread newspapers on the floor, sat cross-legged, broke down his P7 and began cleaning it.
She'd spread newspapers across the surface, on which she'd laid twelve place settings of sterling silver, two silver water pitchers, and a series of silver beakers.
Be sure to spread newspapers on the floor below.
I spread newspapers on the porch, then dumped the spiny, slimy pile of bluegills on them.
We had spread newspapers over the carpets, over the tables, making a wreck of the place in our fervent need to know What was happening in the world?
We spread books and newspapers and pillows and afghans across my parents' L-shaped green leather couch built for eight.
On the rattan table in front of them were spread several newspapers outlining the curious events of the past few days.
Then she spread newspapers on her piano bench and we sat down on them to begin my first lesson.
It couldn't be shrunk, but some production assistants promptly spread some mangy coffee cups, half-eaten cinnamon rolls and vintage newspapers around it.