As part of a fierce propaganda war, both countries routinely accuse the other of trying to spread instability.
Consideration of the broader approach comes as Colombia's neighbors voice rising concern that the aid plan will inflame the conflict further and spread instability throughout the region as American helicopters and American-trained counternarcotics battalions deploy in coming months.
Aid workers interact daily with the two million displaced people, and we can watch as Sudan spreads instability into neighboring countries.
The anti-American protests in several Arab capitals have also caused concern within the administration that the conflict could spread instability across the region and undercut the possibility of an American military campaign against Iraq.
In rejecting Spain's request, American officials said the sale amounted to support for an oppressive government that threatened to spread instability.
"This spreads instability and uncertainty among your people and among people around the country."
The countries, which remain bitter enemies, regularly accuse each other of trying to spread instability.
Some argue it is a failed state destined to spread instability forever.
Instead of making peace in war torn and hunger ravaged Somalia, they diverted their attention to spread war and instability in the peace haven Somaliland by supporting the Teleex Conference.
Many scholars, intellectuals and policymakers are considering how to create a broad-based Afghan government, but a handful of experts argue that Afghanistan is a failed state destined to spread instability forever.