It has a cult following in the south that has spread across the United States in the past 5 years.
It will spread widely in the next few years, however.
Gaining prominence within the art world, Izquierdo's name continued to spread in the years that followed.
I hope to spread throughout west Africa in the coming years.
And it highlights a division that could spread in the coming years to other industries.
Colour printers have spread rapidly in the last five years as their price has fallen.
"What's fascinating is that this is spreading to families, especially in the past five years."
Second, secrecy has spread in Washington in the last 10 years, concealing much of what government does.
With these attacks, foreigners have become the new victims of a crime epidemic that has spread across Mexico in the last three years.
It has established its rightful place in the new America and will continue to spread its influence in the years to come.