At one moment, experience of the world seemed to spread exponentially: questions breeding more questions, anxieties unresolved and trailing away into new anxieties.
This heightened awareness of FMNR has created an opportunity for it to spread exponentially worldwide.
Once again, diplomats are contemplating the lesson of Chamberlain's umbrella: Move in quickly and stamp out the infection, because otherwise the pathology will spread exponentially.
The "infection," postulated long before existence of the internet, is assumed to spread exponentially through susceptible computers, like a biological infection.
And with each conversion, his contagion spreads exponentially.
A virus (for example SARS, or smallpox) typically will spread exponentially at first, if no artificial immunization is available.
The Melissa virus, which emerged last Friday, can spread exponentially because it automatically sends itself from one recipient's E-mail account to as many as 50 others.
The youth-enhancing properties of melange have caused the drug to spread exponentially.
They must be spreading exponentially.
The infection was rare in the United States in the late 1970's, then spread among homosexual men and drug users exponentially in the early 1980's.