The blast initially spread chaos with police cars, ambulances and fire engines speeding across the city.
When the mating was done, he has realized that their greatest enemy is coming very soon to spread chaos over the country.
I still think that's the quickest and most effective way of spreading instant chaos.
Some people only want a chance to spread chaos.
She has been spreading rumors, chaos and sabotage to bring down President Romana.
That by itself was enough to spread chaos in Dahaura.
The men were discussing plans to arm groups to spread chaos across the south of Kyrgyzstan, sometime in June.
Diplomatic pressure has continued to mount on a country long seen as having spread chaos across West Africa.
We will provide security against those who try to spread chaos or settle scores or threaten the territorial integrity of Iraq.
Ms. Morris describes them as "delicious little wise men living in our house who spread laughter and chaos wherever they go."