These endospores, embedded in soil, were the cause of unexplained "spontaneous" outbreaks of anthrax.
At memorial sites, there have been spontaneous outbreaks of "God Bless America."
Then what does the young violinist think about his dynamic and expressive range and spontaneous outbreak?
"Any uprising will be a spontaneous, brushfire outbreak of traditionally opposed tribal groups," Maxie goes on, undeterred.
By mentioning the first line of the Deutschlandlied, they caused the impression that there had been a spontaneous outbreak of patriotic feelings.
I sat down amid a spontaneous outbreak of unprintable words.
Tarachansky was the first foreign journalist to cover the spontaneous outbreak of protests against the high cost of living in Israel on July 14.
"We've had a few spontaneous outbreaks of mental coadunation on Earth, but I never dreamt it was going on elsewhere."
The only fires we had seen in years had been a few spontaneous outbreaks in later summer.
This was not a crazed and spontaneous outbreak of rage.