My second reason is social; this society has greatly benefited me and all the folk I love.
I think Polish society has mostly benefited from the change in system.
These societies would benefit from ideological views that are the same and realistic in manner.
So maybe some common ground will yet be reached and society will benefit from the debate Cassell has sparked.
Indeed there is every reason to believe that society in general would benefit from it.
If oil runs out in thirty years, society could benefit from my technology, but I couldn't.
Mr. Green said he believed both they and society would benefit from enfranchising these people.
Finally, one blog reader noted that both students and society at large will benefit from being challenged to think critically about difficult topics.
Cantab asked "Has society, as a whole, benefited from piracy or not?"
It also asserts that society will benefit from citizens being given the responsibility of learning about specific political issues and participating in government policy decisions.