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This is not a miracle drug, bringing huge benefits to society.
Only if they understood the benefits to society of a real improvement in the criminal justice system.
Beyond the potential scientific accomplishments, the benefits to society and industry would be substantial.
We can consider the value of an individual life in terms of its costs and benefits to society.
Higher education clearly provides benefits to society in general.
To place the benefits to society above the benefits to the institution.
Can you concede there may be benefits to society that are not immediately quantifiable?
Nothing illustrates better the benefits to society of space activity than meteorological satellites.
The benefits to society must be a higher goal than benefits to either partner in the collaboration.
Some states have recognized the benefits to society of this practice and those who either volunteer or create a naturescaped garden.
There would also be indirect benefits to society as a whole by improving the social aspects of people sleeping rough.
It states that regulatory agencies ought to decide key policy questions by carefully weighing the costs and benefits to society.
Although fire suppression offers many benefits to society, other options for fire management exist.
The committee has called for the immediate elimination of halon use except when required to save lives or produce broad benefits to society.
As they provide benefits to society, they deserve to be duly compensated.
Whether resources will be distributed to where they would maximize benefits to society overall is outside the scope of non-possession.
Research has suggested that parliaments including randomly-selected members are likely to be more efficient and to result in greater benefits to society.
To refute this argument people pointed out that the benefits to society from recycling compensate for any difference in cost.
The starting point for my report is that while aviation has brought a great many benefits to society, its current growth rate is completely unsustainable.
How many top executives truly love their company's products, or have a missionary zeal for their industry's benefits to society?
What are the benefits to society?
There is uncertainty in particular regarding the question of ethics, the benefits to society and the long-term consequences for the environment and health.
The industrialization of agriculture has brought many benefits to society, and has helped to reduce hunger in a growing world population.
These can be broadly classified as benefits to society, culture, a national economy as a whole, national security, and other concerns.
Methadone blunts the craving for the opiate, with substantial benefits to society.