She came soaring down out of the night and landed next to him, twitched the tobacco out of his mouth.
The giant winged beasts can often soar down from the skies unannounced.
They flapped up and then they soared down.
King of the Snakes soaring down at me - Do it now, do the jerkout!
No bird was going to soar down out of the clouds and snatch us up in its safe talons.
One of the brown woods butterflies with a broad white stripe, soaring down the glade between the trees.
Then a huge winged thing came soaring down past Tommy's tower.
The torrent below soared down from a high cliff.
They soared down on huge filmy wings and pecked at the small buildings and the floor around them.
From out of the-blue they were joined by a third big bird, who soared down with wings outstretched.