With the domestic markets soaring, despite a few drops along the way, any foreign exposure has tended to reduce the overall returns.
Sales of Grapette continued to soar during the war, despite restrictions and material shortages.
WorldCom is not some dot-com whose share price soared on hopes for the future despite a lack of accomplishments in the past.
The Hong Kong property market soared in the mid-1990's despite conservative bank lending practices.
The dollar soared past the 1.85 level against the West German mark despite dollar-selling by central banks.
His popularity soared to 90 percent, despite the uncertain mandate with which he won the office.
Even in a troubled economy, their sales soar, despite list prices that start around $1,000.
In Mexico City, crime is soaring despite the presence of 91,000 policemen.
Blue-chip stocks soared despite an up-and-down year in the bond market.
Adam's spirits soared, despite the fierceness of the sun.