The movie is cleverly manufactured, but also smug about the so-called American values it celebrates.
A result of the decline in the so-called residual values of nearly new cars is that many businesses are holding on to their vehicles longer.
With another 10 or 20 years of growth, most of these so-called Asian values will erode even further.
Yet the Republicans are striving to make the so-called moral, or family, values issue a paramount theme in the Presidential race.
Do we care if Mr. Rich's peers are proud of their so-called 60's values?
Those who value such redefinitions can keep their so-called "values."
But the current market swoon is proving deeply frustrating for even these so-called value funds.
We cannot fool ourselves that it will be possible to achieve agreement on so-called common values.
China cannot be allowed to hide behind so-called Asian values, for these do not apply to this earth.
Granted, the "so-called 60's values" of social justice and equality of economic opportunity have yet to be realized.