He stood looking out into the square, a slight twitching of the ears indicating that he still made progress with the candy.
Our muscle activity slows down and slight twitching may occur.
Wolf Larsen did not seem affected, however; though I noticed, when we returned to the deck, a slight twitching of the nostrils, a perceptible quickness of movement.
But for a slight twitching in one muscle of the face, they might have concluded him dead.
A slight twitching of the face was all the concern he displayed.
The trembling had settled to a slight twitching in his legs.
And it was there; the slight but regular twitching of the temporal muscles which I had dreaded.
She told her fingers to wiggle, but the only way she could tell they had was by a slight twitching against the small of her back.
The animal will typically regain consciousness after a period of between 40 minutes and 4 hours, a process which begins with slight twitching of the ears.
A slight twitching of the eyes.