It is dear to me for the same reason that they would hold it in slight regard.
Littered here and there, sometimes half-hidden in shadows, but as often not, couples tangled together without the slightest regard for who might be watching.
Old Mother Nature had not the slightest regard for human ethics or feelings.
Many of these quotations come from Aristotle, who seems to have held the sophists in slight regard.
But Tom Swift held into altogether too slight regard the powers of those who were opposed to him.
The palace is a church, inhabited by believers for whom the walker has slight regard.
She's always telling me what to keep in the curriculum and what to omit without the slightest regard for historical accuracy.
She just slogged right in up to her knees, blue jeans and all, without the slightest regard.
The enemy will leave us nothing but scorched earth when he withdraws, without paying the slightest regard to the population.