It seemed more a slight lifting of the total darkness that had blinded him for so long.
But de Kervoisin only expressed the mildest possible surprise by a very slight lifting of his eyebrows.
I shrugged, the action only a slight lifting of my shoulders.
Her most animated expression is a slight lifting of her eyebrows and eyelids.
Poirot asked the question with a slight lifting of his eyebrows.
Aurore remarked with a slight lifting of the eyebrows.
That thought brought about the first movement he made, a slight lifting of one corner of his mouth.
Mainly, it reflected a slight but perceptible lifting of mood.
Terribly pale and worn though Helen looked, there was a slight lifting of the cloud which had hung all these days in her eyes.
What did surprise me was the slight lifting of ever-after that had tried to pull through me when we touched.