There was a slight hitch, but all the circuits are in place.
After a few seconds he swallowed hard and resumed speaking, but there was now a slight hitch in his voice.
There's a slight hitch in his voice, and I suspect he does know.
They had been at sea almost eight days without the slightest hitch; the deal was clinched.
A slight hitch in his voice here, undetectable to anyone who didn't know him.
Fact is, we've done almost 1,600 of these without the slightest hitch.
She wanted to catch a fish, she said, but there was a slight hitch.
A slight hitch in his stride suggested that he'd hurt a hip.
He did not look at people but turned sideways, kept his head down, moving with a slight hitch, like a hunchback.
He walks with only the slightest hitch in his stride.