Dinner was a happy family reunion despite the slight cloud that still hung over the twins.
For Cohen and Smith, there is a slight cloud on their victory.
A slight cloud passed over the actress's face, and she replied constrainedly: 'I'm afraid that's impossible.'
There was a slight cloud over the pad, like steamy gauze, and a faint smell of burning in the chamber.
Edith inhaled a slight cloud of whiskey.
A slight cloud on his smile, then it passed, and he asked: 'Where can you get a cup of coffee in this place?'
The sun was already behind the mountains and the slight clouds that had come in in the afternoon caught the light in waterfalls of pink.
Yet, I thought a slight cloud rested on his brow, but this soon passed, and I forgot it.
A slight cloud appeared upon the brow of the candidate.
The same tendency put a slight cloud over the fine work of the other artists.