"You always did have a single-minded approach to problems," he said.
Their focus was on a single-minded approach toward the attainment of an independent Tamil Eelam.
His intelligent and single-minded approach to the witch trials conducted by this tribunal created great respect for him within the Inquisition.
He also has a single-minded approach.
Likewise, he bemoaned the single-minded approach that many businesses use to solve problems, which is to gather more data.
The greatest difference is a more focused, single-minded approach to appearing in his first Olympic Games.
Ten10 Racing works with a single-minded approach towards being successful and building champions from the ground up (or in this case, the track up!)
If the book has a failing, it is its single-minded, social-scientific approach to a rich and mysterious subject.
They accept their coach's single-minded approach.
Swan had a single-minded approach to her job.