Lewis single-handedly held the customers at bay while his accomplices looted the safe stealing $380 in all.
His strength was well known as well, and he was always asked to assist with barn raising, as he would single-handedly hold heavy beams in place while they were fastened down.
She was single-handedly holding the line, keeping whoever they were inside the outbuildings with steady bursts of fire, but for how long?
Immunity Challenge: Contestants would each stand on two uneven poles as they single-handedly hold onto the pole, on which the immunity necklace was hanging, for as long as they could.
The defining moment of this rebellion came when a hero called Horatius single-handedly held the bridge across the River Tiber against an Etruscan army as his fellows cut it down behind him.
He single-handedly held the attackers at bay until being killed.
Reflex-ively wrapping the rope around his shoulders and ice ax, Schoening somehow managed to single-handedly hold on to Gilkey and simultaneously arrest the slide of the five falling climbers without being pulled off the mountain himself.
He single-handedly held the gate, killing the Shaman and losing his eye in the process.
On that day and the following two days, near Scarperia, Italy, he single-handedly held his position at his unit's left flank after all other members of his squad had been killed or wounded.
George Washington, who is credited with having single-handedly held the Convention together through his character, prestige and presence, declared later that a miracle had been wrought.