But for professional soccer players in Europe - including more than 30 Americans - Bosman may single-handedly change the face of the game.
Most people don't go to Ireland for the food, but if given half a chance, our cook could single-handedly change the country's culinary reputation.
"I'm the one that single-handedly changed the policy on the homeless," Mr. Vallone said at one point.
It is credited as single-handedly changing the course of the 16-bit generation of video game consoles.
Was Healy single-handedly changing a Red Cross commitment to equity for all victims?
Which led directly to the second influence, a film that is mentioned by everyone as having single-handedly changed the rules for action movies: "The Matrix" (1999).
The company has almost single-handedly changed the terms of trade in the PC business.
He is such a dynamic athlete, he could almost single-handedly change the fortunes for the Raiders, on the field and in the stands.
Tung was a late 16th- and early 17th-century painter whose "great synthesis" almost single-handedly changed Chinese painting.
Some people laugh at Todd's earnestness because he seems to think that he can single-handedly change the world.