The mosque is marked with its single octagonal minaret over the entrance, decorated with the fine carvings of the Mamluk-era architecture.
We made stops in whitewashed towns, each centered on a small mosque with a single minaret, to take on more passengers.
There was the usual single minaret; there was the shopping district.
Joyce held for a moment, then zoomed on Sinbad, its single minaret, the piece that made it an artistic whole.
The mosque had originally a single minaret, the taller one was later built by Murat II.
The arcades connect the main building with a single minaret in the southern corner.
A single minaret, with a round tapering shaft terminating at a parapet, rises alongside the main portal.
The single minaret is tall and slender; during the 1894 earthquake it crashed through the roof of the mosque.
A single minaret with a single balcony rises above it, adjoining the southwest corner of the prayer hall.
The dome is supported by Turkish triangles and there is a single minaret.