Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
To that effect, three minarets were added to the building.
There are 2 rooms, one on each side of the minaret.
There are two minarets at its corners on the north.
Plans called for four minarets, but only three were ever constructed.
A minaret was also added on top of the gate.
The minaret was placed at the northern part of the building, under the door.
It also has the only spiral minaret in the city.
A minaret has also been added to the restored building.
Above the second floor and under the main dome is a minaret.
It has four minarets and is served by five gates.
At the ends of these wings are the two minarets.
A post office operated at Minarets from 1925 to 1933.
The only major change was the demolition of its minarets.
Until last year the minaret was still visible to guide them.
The minaret plan and design remained the same in both buildings.
One of the minarets collapsed and three hundred people were killed.
Minarets students scored very well on the 2009/10 California state testing.
Around 80 years after Muhammad's death the first known minarets appeared.
It was also probably at this time that the current remaining minarets were added.
The reconstruction of the minaret is to be "to its original form".
There are two minarets on the sides of the mosque.
This minaret is believed to have been used as a watch tower.
One can see the base for Minarets which could not be erected because money was used up.
It was the highest point of the city, besides the minarets.
Other minarets from the time are not nearly as extensively decorated.