I found that much more comfortable than holding a single controller.
To create a system that would support only a single controller seemed to be a big step back.
A single controller may use different protocols for back-end and for front-end communication.
At the time of the accident, the single controller in the tower was performing both tower and radar duties.
All of the terminals were connected to a single controller, and in turn to the 7090 via its Channel C input.
Up to four drives can be attached to a single controller, resulting in a total storage capacity of 9.2 megabytes.
The Pro-Series was designed so a single controller could handle eight automatic loaders, each with a very high speed drive.
Typically a single controller is only concerned with the operations of a defined area or sub-system of the overall material handling system.
There was not even a single controller carrying a client through an early-morning crisis.
This increases their overall print speed during multiple instance production, while requiring less capital cost than duplicate machines since they can share a single controller.