Learn what short-term and long-term stress does to your body and how to cope with it through this interactive feature!
If you can easily resolve any nagging short-term stresses, do it before you quit.
These kinds of short-term stress are normal.
A short-term sleep problem is often linked to short-term stress.
Psychologists say that in the long run, the practice may buttress children's self-esteem, but it can also cause short-term stress, embarrassment and psychological and practical difficulties.
So far, laboratory researchers have looked only at the effects of short-term stress, which appear not to be permanent.
Not a word was said about the short-term stresses of ordinary living.
The problem, they said, was that past research looked at short-term stress, with the expectation that a flare-up would be seen within a month or two.
How short-term stress can save one's life, and how long-term stress can be a slow and potential killer.
Your body recovers quickly from short-term stress - in a few minutes the blood pressure comes back down.