The Governors need to ask whether the short-term political gain is really worth it.
This year's top tax rate for short-term gains and other ordinary income is 38.5 percent.
"They compromise in order to experience some real or imagined short-term political gain."
Worse, many suspected he would be doing so for his own short-term political gain.
"Even if kids show any short-term gains, they don't last very long," she said.
The parents have a heavy responsibility to think about their son's long-term career ahead of short-term gains.
But they must balance the short-term gains against the long-term impact.
The $60-a-month lower cost of the two loans is probably a short-term gain.
He's in it for the short-term gain and makes money by operating at full volume.
Most of the time this is for short-term political gain.