The reality that affirmative action is a minimal, short-term remedy for massive, protracted injustice is the message that President Clinton must carry forward.
As a short-term remedy, I and others in Congress have recommended a $50 million supplemental appropriation for fiscal year 1990.
As a short-term remedy, many mathematicians are asking for national math and science standards against which the schools' performance could be measured.
He said that aside from some long-term solutions such as attracting more students, particularly minority students, to the profession, he saw some short-term remedies.
"I'm merely proposing a short-term remedy- it's too dangerous for you to remain on Earth."
It was perhaps with the expectation that food rioting sometimes secured short-term remedy that the eighteenth-century crowd resorted to it so frequently.
However, for 14 years this government's thinking on fiscal policy has concentrated on short-term remedies.
Mr. Vallone called it "a short-term remedy to a long-term problem," and said he still planned to hold hearings on the matter and on cable competition today.
The board also appears to have devised a short-term remedy for the state's non-compliance with federal regulations for disabled voters.
The rapporteur specifically points to the extreme scarcity of Turkish women in positions of power, and item 41 suggests that adopting a mandatory quota system would be a short-term remedy.