Medicare covers short-term recovery from an illness or injury.
Some of these ideas deserve support - those that promote long-term growth and not just short-term recovery.
High interest rates and rampant inflation have stifled turnover on both stock markets this year, with few indications of a short-term recovery.
The devaluation further fueled inflation and prevented short-term recovery.
But our gut feeling is that any short-term recovery will simply be a blip on the long road of disappointment.
A nursing home works well for short-term recovery.
Beyond the timing of any short-term recovery, however, is the longer-term question about the future of information technology: Is it still a growth industry?
By working in collaboration with local, state and federal agencies, the authority's goal is to also address short-term recovery needs while guiding the long-term planning process.
I couldn't see how regret and remorse were going to aid Sam's short-term recovery.
However, for the group, short-term recovery depends on its other two divisions: aviation and oil and technology.