Nearly every president has tried to bend the Fed to his will, usually to serve short-term political interests.
But the commission's job is to act in the long-term public interest, not the short-term interests of individual owners.
We thought those dark days were behind us, but short-term interests clearly have the ear of the current Treasury department.
As always, the regime has advanced its own short-term interest at the expense of the country it rules.
Which will win - powerful short-term financial interests, or weak long-term environmental concerns?
They vote based largely on sound bites and perceived short-term financial interests.
This is a role based on a long-term view rather than on short-term interests.
As politicians we are obliged to defend points of view which go beyond short-term interests.
Anyone who pursued only his own short-term interest would be dismissed.
We need a president who will fight for our nation's economic future instead of the short-term interest of a special few.